Representing Local Land Charge Officers in England and Wales
Quality Services and Products Delivered by Experts

Aims and Objectives

The Institute forms Working Parties and Sub Committees as requirements dictate from time to time which shall be determined or resolved by the Executive Committee at any Meeting.

In short, the Aims and Objectives of the Institute are to:- 

  • Provide a forum to debate issues of particular concern to the profession.
  • Circulate information relating to changes in legislation affecting the Local Land Charges functions.
  • Improve the overall quality of service offered to the public and legal profession.
    Campaign for changes in legislation and working practices where applicable and to play an active role in any working parties looking at changes to official forms.
  • Create a source of information relating to all aspects of the LLC service that where possible can be made available to member authorities.
  • To provide support to Members of the Institute and their staff.

This is just a brief outline of the Aims and Objectives of the Institute, for a fuller description please refer to the Constitution.  If you do not have a copy you may request one from the Institute's Company Secretary -

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